Message Number: YG11367 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukieferret
Date: 2002-02-22 18:49:00 UTC
Subject: Re: What exactly does prednisone do for hypoglycemic

Ah, another post which has its answer in post 11341 in which Dr. Bruce Williams also writes "Prednisone is used in insulinoma to raise glucose and to increase the production of glucose in the liver. It does not block insulin at all - it simply counteracts the hypoglycemic actions of insulin with its own hyperglycemic action."

I advise you to also read that to see why Prednisone is not the problem in ferrets that it can be in some other species.

We normally prefer surgery for insulinoma; ferrets have been in our family for almost 20 years and surgery is usually the best option -- even if a person has to trade cage cleaning for some of the cost. Some ferrets, though, are not well enough for surgery. Our elderly Warp is like that. She was held by the same low dose of Prednisone ofr 7 months, but in recent months has had to have her dose increased and have Proglycem added.

Insulinoma is not something to fool around with; there are some set approaches that work to control it and prevent premature death and seizures. Those protocols need to be respected even when new approaches are being investigated.

Heck, I recall way back when all that could be done was to provide sugars 24/7 in hopes of keeping up the blood sugar that way, but that is counterproductive for long-term management with good quality and quantity of life.

May I suggest that you use the search engine here at ?
There have been a lot of vet explanations of these meds and those will help you find the info you need for the best approach.

Oh, and, yes, do continue his Prednisone; the dose may be refined at times in relation to other meds used and diet provided so discuss that with your vet.

> is out of the question due to expense, I need to know: What exactly > does prednisone do? Since he is so much improved, do I have to give > the prednisone?