Message Number: YG11063 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Anais
Date: 2002-02-13 10:28:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: tumor adrenal

Thank you Dr. Williams. The Doctor said that when she
went in there, the growth had spread from one glad to
the other, as well as enveloping the vena cava.

I'm having the biopsy sent out, just out of

He's eating Science Diet light cat food now on his
own. His normal food is Totally Ferret. How long
should I allow him to eat the SD light before I take
it away from him? His surgery was on February 11th.

thank you

becki kain
--- dr_bruce_williams <bruce.h.williams@h...>
> --- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., Anais
> <anaisdog@y...> wrote:
> > I just heard back from my vet that Quark's left
> > adrenal, which she described as should be the size
> of
> > a pencil eraser was the size of her thumb. Her
> entire
> > thumb. She was amazed that he lived through the
> > surgery.
> >
> > That all being said, she's sending it out for
> biopsy,
> > but can any doctor or ferret owner tell me what
> chemo
> > therapy is going to be like for Quark, if it is
> > cancer? He'll be 7 in May and it's not the money
> at
> > all that is the issue, it's the quality of life.
> > Right now, he's healthy, was eating this morning,
> the
> > day of the surgery, but became very skinny in the
> past
> > month.
> Dear Becki:
> Chemotherapy is really not used in the treatment of
> adrenal tumors -
> surgical excision is the way to go. There is no
> chemotherapeutic
> agent that has shown proven efficacy against adrenal
> carcinomas - so
> we either go with repeat surgery (cryotherapy can
> work well in a
> clean-up situation) or palliative therapy with
> Lupron to improve
> quality of life.
> However, let's look at the good side - adrenal
> carcinomas rarely
> metastasize, so the prognosis is based largely on
> the adequacy of
> excision - so if it was completely taken out (?) the
> prognosis is
> actually pretty good.
> With kindest regards,
> Bruce Williams,d VM

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