Message Number: YG10512 | New FHL Archives Search
From: moxie4192
Date: 2002-01-26 17:59:00 UTC
Subject: Any tips on getting ferret with mouth ulcers to eat?

I took Chance (post pancreas surgery) to vet today and we think he has
mouth ulcer. He acts like it hurts to eat, so it is a war every
feeding time. He got antibiotic shot today and starts amoxi tomorrow.
He hates all meds. I give him a little carafate and have started
using slippery elm park powder. I give a little of that mixed in warm
water to him, then add some to his canned a/d and chicken baby food.
I have to hold him in place and he will lick the spoon as he tries to
get away. I think his strength is coming back since he resists so
much. I'm lucky to get 10ccs of gruel into him each feeding. I'm
feeding every 4-5 hours. His poops are normal color, so we think the
problem is in the mouth. Anyone have any tips for me? Thanks.
Moxie and Chance