Message Number: YG10333 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukieferret
Date: 2002-01-21 13:23:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Crusty Eyes

It's also sadly not that unusual to run into influenza in petstore
kits duriing influenza season, too. Around here some of the
petstores use greater precautions in this season for that reason.
Sure hope it isn't CDV in that store.

Haven't they gotten the animals to a vet? If not, some states
require vet care for sick animal. If you are in NJ then know that
our state does, and you can speak to the non-game portion of
FG&W (which licences for sale of some pets including ferrets,
and also provides ferret permits) which will go after them.

> Often distemper will start with what appears to be a bad eye
> infection. Nausea and diarrhea are sysptoms that follow, as
well as
> a crustiness of the paw pads.