Message Number: YG10162 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Marie Bartholdsson
Date: 2002-01-16 14:23:00 UTC
Subject: scabbed wart, what should I do?

My hob Mimas got a bite wound over his right eye a few months ago. The wound
healed nicely leaving a little bald spot. About three weeks later a small
wart appeared. Like a little hard lump, easy to move around under the skin.
At first it was covered with normal skin, but after a while it ruptured and
got a black scab. The scab fell off and the wart started to grow again until
it ruptured and got scabbed again. This has repeated itself for some time
now. It doesn't seem to bother Mimas, he doesn't scratch it or anything, but
the wart is slowly getting bigger and the skin covering it is red and thin.

What is this? Should I do something about it, have it removed surgically?

The pictures enclosed are one with the scab, and one without (I have wet the
fur with water to expose the growth).


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Attachment 41k (image/pjpeg) with scab.jpg

Attachment 39k (image/pjpeg) without scab.jpg