Message Number: YG10011 | New FHL Archives Search
From: miamiferret
Date: 2002-01-10 21:18:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Miami Ferrets

I can recommend two. Dr. Stelling, our shelter's vet and South
Kendall Animal Clinic. Both have done lots of adrenal surgeries and
both have removed adrenals from assorted ferrets of mine. Click on
my email address on this message and send me email for more details
such as address, phone numbers, etc.

I think you should figure on $400. I don't know of any others that
would do the surgery for significantly less, but even if I did, the
confidence I have in these vets is worth any little extra it might


--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "vnassar101" <vnassar101@y...> wrote:
> Thanks for all the support that you have given me. Most of the
> symptons I have noticed on my ferret point to adrenal. And as
> is no good vet in Costa Rica. I might be travelling to Miami to
> this done.
> Could anyone recommend a good, not so expensive vet, due that my
> resources are limited. And approximately, how much can I expect to
> be charged for this surgery?