Message Number: SG821 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-08-15 20:27:12 UTC
Subject: RE: hypercalcemia (still) - Now What??
Message-ID: <23997351.1029443232452.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Dear Nicole:

at the moment, it is the HCT that is probably worth more of a focus. this is moderate anemia, and suggests wither some form of chronic disease, a silent ulcer, or even a bone marrow problem. Not something to panic over, but something to look at.

Yes, the calcium is high, but I do not currently see evidence of renal failure here (although a urinalysis would help - especially a urine specific gravity.) The body has the ability to bind a lot of calcium, and there doesn't seem to be any impact on other values by this high calcium, so I think that he is handling this OK).

So, at this point, let's shift focus and see if we can figure out why he is anemic.

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, DVM

> Hemoglobin 9.1
> Hematocrit 29.8
> WBC 4.2
> RBC 5.33
> MCV 56
> MCH 17.1
> MCHC 30.5
> Platelet Count: 681
> Estimate increased
> Diff:
> Neutro 3318 79%
> Bands 0
> Lympho 630 15%
> Mono 210 5%
> Eosin 42 1
> Baso 0
> Glu 119
> Urea Nitro 13
> Creatine 1.3
> TP 5.5
> ALB 2.8
> Tot Bili .1
> Alk Phos 57
> ALT (SCPT) 136
> AST (SGOT) 64
> Cholesterol 215
> Calcium 14
> Phos 4.6
> Sodium 140
> Potassium 3.9
> Chloride 112
> Glubulin 2.7
> CPK 239
> Unfortunately, I am now in slight disagreement with the vet. From these results, she fears his problems stem from failing kidneys. My fear is that his kidneys are beginning to fail because we are not correcting the hypercalcemia (or cause thereof). The initial blood, done in May, did not indicate kidney failure.
> On the outside, Snidely looks good. He has a nice shiny coat and bright clear eyes and still finds fuzzy cat mice interesting. He just doesn't have the energy a 3 yr old ferret should have.
> What can I do now? I do not want to continue on, treating symptoms while letting the true enemy go unrecognized.
> Does it look like lymphoma? He doesn't have any enlarged nodes, but... do we try to biopsy anyway.
> We are all stumped by this one and I need to find a way to help Snide.
> Thanks !!
> - Nicole
> (sorry about the length)