Message Number: SG2258 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Ferret Wise Shelter
Date: 2002-11-16 19:34:18 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Possible Abcessed Tooth
Message-Id: <>

I am not a vet- as you are not a vet.

I would NOT administer the antibiotic BEFORE seeing the vet- you need to
have this checked out.
The red & swollen gums may be gingivitis from tartar build up which has
caused the redness & infection-, or it may be periodantal disease, a
damaged canine , root problem or even another illness which has caused the
infection in the gums.

The vet needs to determine the CAUSE of the infection - otherwise you are
masking the problem and the ferret can suffer long term for your trying to
fix this on your own.
A responsible ferret caretaker will seek an experts advice in regards to
illness and infection.
You need to treat the entire problem and not a single symptom of it.
My words of wisdom to you- for the sake of your ferret- is to see the vet!

Alicia D