Message Number: SG2184 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-11-09 23:22:01 UTC
Subject: New Here! Ferret not eating =(
Message-ID: <25175355.1036884121380.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Hello everyone. I was recommended here from a member of a ferret forum.

My ferret, Opus, has been acting very strange since late October. He hasn't been eating as much as he usually does... it doesn't seem like he's eating much of anything. He doesn't have many stools as he used to, but they look normal. He drinks a lot, and his activity level is very high.

Opus was born in April of this year.

He eats some of his food if we put Ferretone on it, and he loves Ferretvite. He is on Hagen Ferret Food, always has been. He was weaned onto it when he was very young at the petstore I work at. He is a Marshall ferret. Could he just be plain bored with his food? He doesn't seem sick and he's maintaining his weight very well. We've tried my kitten's food, wet kitten food, and he still doesn't seem to like it very much. I talked to a vet about it and she said that it might just be the food. It's strange since he's drinking, pooping, and running around like his normal self.

Is Pedialyte with water and a syringe alright? I've handfed baby birds before, so I now how to feed without aspirating. We've tried Duck Soup but he didn't eat more than a tablespoon of it.

Any suggestions are very apprectiated.