Message Number: SG2078 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sydney
Date: 2002-11-04 02:22:57 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] colds
Message-ID: <32765111.1036379220510.JavaMail.nobody@vanadium>

I usually put a child's vaporizer in the room with
them to help with breathing if they are stuffy. Just
make sure it's far enough away that they don't get
burned and out of reach of any children or other
animals. Other than that, I just keep an eye on them
and make sure they are eating and drinking. If their
appetite falls off, I will supplement them with baby
food chicken or turkey warmed to about body
temperature. If he starts having a lot of trouble
breathing (more than just a little stuffiness), then
it might be worth a trip to the vet. My ferrets also
will get seasonal allergies from time to time where
they sneeze a lot.


--- Dj & Jenny <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if any one could tell me a
> little bit about ferrets
> getting sick. A lot of people in my house hold had
> colds these last few
> weeks and i think one of my ferrets may have caught
> it.