Message Number: SG2012 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2002-10-29 07:09:14 UTC
Subject: symposium has the speakers list and MC
Message-Id: <a05200e04b9e3e42b47ea@[]>

The International Ferret Congress is pleased to announce Bill Gruber,
Moderator of the FML has not only joined the Board of Advisors for the
IFC, but has also agreed to once again be the MC for next symposium.
The 2003 International Ferret Symposium will be held in Atlanta, Georgia
from Oct 3rd-5th at the Holiday Inn Atlanta Airport North. The list of
confirmed speakers include:

Dr. Bruce Williams, Dr. Jerry Murray, Dr. Deborah Kemmerer, Dr. Hanneke
Moorman, Dr. Heather Wilson, Bob Church, Jeanne Carley, Pam Troutman,
Alicia Drakiotes, and from Ferrets Magazine, Marylou Zarbock and Melissa

Please check the IFC webpage for more information. Hope to see you all
in Atlanta!

Judy Cooke
Co-Director IFC