Message Number: SG1960 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-10-24 15:01:52 UTC
Subject: Cyclosporine
Message-ID: <8122103.1035471712047.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Hi all. Just wanted to post that my vet did some heavy duty research (she rules) and came up with a med idea to try to treat Pigs cutaneous lymphoma with. It is called cyclosporine and previously had been given to cats and dogs for transplant surgeries. It has never been given to a ferret. It is an autoimmune suppressant. I read they are doing trial studies on humans with this drug and lymphoma that never responded to chemo. This med blocks t-cell production. Anyway, the hopes is to keep Pigs cut.lymphoma from spreading to her internal organs and elsewhere. We will see. I will keep anyone interested updated on the progress of this new drug and it's effect on Pigs lymphoma. So let me know if you are interested in me keeping this group posted.
