Message Number: SG1737 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2002-10-08 17:22:07 UTC
Subject: Re: torbutrol effects; sucralfate vs pepto
Message-Id: <p0511170bb9c8c3cbd80f@[]>

Interesting. Guess it's case of individual variations.

We haven't had a ferret knocked down by Torb; instead with the pain
control the ones we had on it were more active once they adjusted.

Usually Carafate works better on our guys than Pepto.

Hey, go with what works!

Right now we have one for whom Prednisone may as well be water for
all the effect it has, but Prednisolone has an effect with him. (Dr.
Bruce Williams figured out that we may be dealing with an unusual
variation in medication response.)

They vary.