Message Number: SG151 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-07-07 17:46:57 UTC
Subject: re: lymphoma
Message-ID: <20656996.1026064017097.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Unfortunately, radiation generally is of little effect on lymphoma. Radiation is a directed beam of energy which is focused on a particular site (usually a tumor) to kill the tumor cells. However, for neoplasms like lymphomas, which generaly arise in multiple sites or organs, it is not a good mode of treatment.

I truly do not have a favorite mode of chemotherapy, as most work very poorly in true cases of lymphoma (I suspect that many cases which have shown "success" probably were not lymphoma at all. Most protocols contain a combination of cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisone, and may have other chemotherapeutic agents as well. The combination protocols have the best success, but that is usually only around 10%.

Often it is not what any one vet likes, but what your vet can use with safety and surety.

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, DVM

Author wrote:
> ATTN: Dr. Williams
> Do they or can they use radiation treatment with Ferrets? I have read
> several conflicting statements on this. Also, what is the "best" protocol
> for chemotherapy, in your opinion?