Message Number: SG1128 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-08-30 03:58:47 UTC
Subject: Chocolate Moose low protein and calcium
Message-ID: <11041172.1030679927799.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Hi. Chocolate Moose just had a blood test after beginning to have a touch of diarrhea again. He was put back on Metronidazole for five days. Meanwhile, the blood test results (which I will get a copy of tomorrow) showed lower-than-normal protein and calcium values. Blood glucose values were also low, but this particular lab apparently often has low glucose values and when the vet reran the results in the office, his blood glucose came back at 84. Creatinine and BUN's were apparently within normal bounds.

The vet is concerned that Chocolate Moose's intestines may not be absorbing enough protein and calcium from his food. However, because she isn't sure it's IBD (no biopsies have been done), she is concerned he may have lymphoma in his intestines (apparently because of the low calcium level). She is suggesting ultrasound to look for lymph tumors. Based on many previous posts I've read on this list, I seriously doubt that ultrasound, which is very expensive, will identify lymph tumors that tiny. But I'm also not convinced that's what it is. He's more likely a candidate for IBD, in my opinion, but I can't afford to pay the vet $1200+ to do an intestinal biopsy.

She also suggested an injection of Ivermectin to eliminate any potential parasites. I agreed to that while I think about what to do next. If I had time, I would drive back to Maryland and let Dr. Weiss take a look at him.

Do others here have insight on his condition? He eats Totally Ferret for Older Ferrets, chicken baby food once or twice a day, and Marshall's chicken-flavored morsels, Ferretone, and Cheweasels for treats. Thanks in advance for any help.
