Message Number: SG1018 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-08-25 19:15:33 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Digest 24 Aug 2002 16:32:34 -0000 Issue 61
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Hi Stacie,
Yes the kidney can have cancer.
Kidney (renal) cancer is rare, but they are
usually very large in size. In my experience
most are renal carcinomas (ie bad news).
I had one like you described where I thought
it was a very large adrenal gland, only to find out
it was the enlarged kidney that I was palpating.
Unfortunately renal carcinomas can spread to
other organs such as the lungs. Lymphoma can also
spread to the kidneys. With an enlarged spleen, lymphoma
is a good possibility.
As for the blood substitute (Oxyglobin), it is a cow based
product, but it is safe to use in dogs, cats, and ferrets (birds,
reptiles, and many zoo species too). Hopefully the pathology
report will give you some good news and a good prognosis
for Griffin.
Jerry Murray, DVM