Message Number: YG9401 | New FHL Archives Search
From: WhipStaff Ranch
Date: 2001-12-15 00:13:00 UTC
Subject: Bites, rabies, and ER docs..... my 2 cents for what its

Hi there,

As a livestock ranch operator and the manager of a
humane society, as well as a volunteer in the Pit Bull
Rescue, I have been bitten MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY
times by everything from hogs, horses, dogs, cats,
ferrets, and all manner of birds and rabbits.
Everytime it happens, the doc at the ER, if it is bad
enough to require stitches, tells me the same thing...

The chance of developing rabies from the bite of an
animal is so minimal that most docs, at least in
Minnesota, do not consider this as a worry. The worry
instead is the danger of pastuerella infection. This
is true with all carnivores, but particularily cats...

I was bitten by a feral cat through the joint of my
thumb about 2 months ago. Synovial fluid came out. I
got it to bleed good to flush out the wound, then when
I came in from trapping, the doc cleaned it and put a
couple stitches in it. He told me to flush it with an
antiseptic- listerine works great! I will have
surgery soon to repair the joint as it has frozen now.
But bites are really no big deal for me anymore.

Just wanted to give ya my 2 cents!!!!!!


If you consider that we cannot save them all,
and what difference does one make?,
you ought to know the joy of the one who is saved.
Mourn those we cannot save, it is a eulogy to their being.
Do not let their loss be in vain.

Please.... rescue a shelter animal today!

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