Message Number: YG9357 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Ferretwise
Date: 2001-12-14 11:13:00 UTC
Subject: re: Corneal ulcers?

I find the diagnosis interesting - and haunting. We had a ferret who had a
spot on his eye ad the first vet to look at him felt the same- and I
believe he also mentioned infected cataract. Well we had our kid (
shelter) checked by another vet) .In a matter of a few hours what first
made the eye look green cast was making the animal display signs of pain,
twitching head, grinding teeth,. In the end the ferret had a retro bulbar
tumor. The pressure of it against the eye was what was being called a
cataract / corneal ulcer.

Unfortunately our kid had to be put down- he was 7 years of age. AND the
eye was removed for examination ( to verify previous claim) -- at this
point we witnessed the tumor expand to overflow the eye socket. Poor kid
had a massive head ache I am sure.

If you are using eye ointment I would personally caution against gentimycin
-- gentacin is absorbed into the blood stream and has in the past impaired
kidney functions in ferrets.

just a shelter Mom at Ferret Wise
