Message Number: YG8746 | New FHL Archives Search
From: estellejackson
Date: 2001-11-16 09:00:00 UTC
Subject: spindle cell tumours again + ?what

I have posted a couple of tomes re. my little boy Zorro. He
has had seven skin tumours removed so far in an area rangeing
from his leg to the middle of his back. They have been
"popping up" every now and again for the last year. The labs
reckoned that they weren't related as these tumours ( spindle
cell sarcomas) don't normally metastasise. I wasn't very happy
with their conclusion as that is all they offered as their
comment. Dr Bruce Williams said that it could be one large
tumour that keeps erupting in these places ( which I thank him
for as this makes a lot more sense) So we have just been
removeng each tumour as it pops up. ( If left they ulcerate
and annoy Zorro that much it puts him off his food)
The problem being now is that there are three more that have
erupted , all close together and so can be excised by one
large excision. That wouldn't be too much of a problem were it
not for the fact that I have found another lump!
This one is situated inguinally (in his groin) . It is quite
large , probably about four centimeters across and is quite
mobile ( so should be easy enough to shell out depnding on
what it is attatched to) but iteems to press on his os penis
so I am sure it must be uncomfortable for him (he's a brave
little guy who never complains) . I need to send this lump off
for analysis but at the moment I have little faith in our lab
( I don't think they are very ferret knowledgeable). Does
anybody know if a skin tumour such as that described could
escalate to something like this! I don't know what I'm
looking at and it is all getting a bit scary !
Any help or advice at all is apreciated
Many thanks
Estelle , Zorro + Biscuit xxx