Message Number: YG8650 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-11-12 16:41:00 UTC
Subject: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: looking for vet

Nah, what I mean by "jelly-belly" is when the skin gets less elastic.
It doesn't retain fluid, or become distended, it just changes in
texture, loses tone. But that's why I want to get her to a vet who
really knows what's going on with them. It will be about a 12 hour
drive to get to a vet, so I'll be looking for a full workup. Then I
can try to find someone local to deal with anything routine, but I have
to get to that point.
thanks for your help
pam ohearn

----- Original Message -----
From: sukiecrandall@t...

> When you say "jelly belly" you don't mean water-balloon belly, do
> you? If that is the case,and it's ascites, then do get her heart,
> liver and kidneys checked. There IS info available for helping
> many such ferrets do their best.