Message Number: YG8464 | New FHL Archives Search
From: TR1212@AOL.COM
Date: 2001-11-06 15:24:00 UTC
Subject: Addisons

Hi again!,
I tried to look up what I could about Addison's. Didn't find much. What is
it, what does it do? I read of some putting their kids on meds after both
adrenals were removed. Is this lifelong? Is Addisons life threatening? And, I
didn't think cryo took the whole gland. Am I wrong? One of my kids will be
having surgery for insulinoma soon. He has very slight symptoms of adrenal,
area where he was shaved for last bloodwork 2 months ago has only grown back
slightly and after his surgery to remove his left adrenal, he became a little
more aggressive. Although only to one female who is his favorite. And he was
more agressive immediately after his left adrenal surgery. He's not quite as
rough now. Could this happen because of hormone levels changing right after
surgery? Does that happen sometimes and perhaps his aggression was simply the
result of hormones being out of whack for a short time? The Dr. will look at
the right adrenal while in there and do cryo surgery if necessary.
Thanks for all your help. It is greatly appreciated!
Tiffany, Oscar, Cindy and Slinky