Message Number: YG8316 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jen & Andre
Date: 2001-10-31 02:47:00 UTC
Subject: Newton's ultrasound

I had Newton's ultrasound today. There was nothing irregular
about her heart, which does nothing to explain her
arrhythmia... and there was nothing abnormal about her
pancreas either. Her spleen though was full of holes. There
was a mass in one lobe of her liver, there were lots of lymph
nodes and they were big. The doctor had a second look at her
rads and determined that the bend in her trachea was likely
due to enlarged lymph nodes above and below the trachea.

She couldn't diagnose lymphosarcoma without an aspirate but
she said that the symptoms looked like it. Is there any point
in having an aspiration of her lymph node? Is there anything
else it could be?
