Message Number: YG7901 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-10-11 08:20:00 UTC
Subject: Coinciding adrenal gland disease?

I have two fuzzies, Kaya and Zion. About three weeks ago I noticed
that Kaya was losing a little hair on the tip of her tail. I grabbed
my ferret books and starting reading. One specified that in order
for it to be adrenal gland disease, the hair had to be falling out
from the base of the tail moving outward. I didn't want to take any
chances with her health so I brought her to the vet the next day.
Although she is young for adrenal gland disease (she will be 2 in a
month), the vet confirmed that was what she has (regardless of where
the hairloss begins). I was told to keep an eye on her, she may need
surgery in the future, but not now.
A few days later I noticed that Zion was also losing a tiny bit of
hair from the tip of his tail on the top. It is a much, much smaller
area than Kaya. But he is only 1 1/2 years old. Why would this
happen? I can't imagine that he has come down with adrenal gland
disease within days of Kaya, especially at a younger age. His hair
loss has not progressed at all since I first noticed it, but Kaya's
has. She only has about 1/4 of her hair left on her tail now. I
have not taken Zion to the vet because I can't imagine paying for
another visit when he will tell me the same thing as when Kaya was
diagnosed. Has anyone ever heard of this? Is Zion just reacting in
his own way to his sister's illness? Any help on this would be
greatly appreciated, I am very concerned about Kaya and Zion's health
at this point.
Thank you! Mandie