Message Number: YG7765 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Joanne D'Amico
Date: 2001-10-07 13:06:00 UTC
Subject: Hepatitis in Ferrets

Lisa - You may want to check with your vet on supplementing Gavin's Rx
with a non-alcoholic extract of Milk Thistle (available w/o prescription
at many health food stores). It is apparently being used with good
success on humans with liver damage due to hepatitis and poisoning. My
fert had a GI problem which also affected her liver last year, and my
vet contacted a holistic vet for the dosage (3 drops twice a day mixed
in her Duck Soup), and she is fine again ... (so it didn't hurt). If
anyone wants to try it, be sure it is the NON-ALCOHOLIC extract.