Message Number: YG7093 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Erin Simkins
Date: 2001-09-07 21:16:00 UTC
Subject: Question regarding Ulcer treatment

My ferret with cardiomyopathy has also developed ulcers. Symptoms
have been weight loss (lack of appetite), grinding teeth, sometimes
black and tarry stools and lethargy. He was started on ulcer
treatment on Wednesday. Per the AVMA vet conference in Boston,
treatment includes:

Bland diet of babyfood
1 ml Biaxin (50 mg/ml) PO QD
0.4 ml Amoxi (50 mg/ml) PO BID
1.0 ml Carafate (100 mg/ml) PO TID before meals

For his cardio, he is also on:
0.05 ml Lasix (10 mg/ml) PO BID
1/2 tablet Enalapril (1.0 mg) PO QD
1/4 tablet Florinef (0.1 mg) PO QD

For his recent removal of the last of his adrenal tissue, he is on:
0.3 ml pedia-pred (6.7/5 ml) PO QOD

Unfortunately, Tigger HATES the biaxin. I've had it compounded twice
with different flavors and unforunately he hates both. I'm afraid
it's stressing him out even more because he scrapes at his mouth to
get it out, foams and just basically goes nuts. I wrapped him
burrito style to see if that would help. It didn't. Has anyone had
luck with the biaxin? Since it's stressing him out so badly, should
I stop the biaxin? He hates the carafate and amoxi, but not like he
HATES the biaxin.

Any advice or tips would be MUCH appreciated. He's remained hydrated
on his own, there's been no need for SQ fluids. I'm just wondering
how to beat this with as little stress on him as possible.

Many thanks!

Erin Simkins
Education Director
American Ferret Association

(Abbreviations: PO - by mouth, QD - Every Day, BID - Twice a Day,
TID - Three Times a Day, QOD - Every other day, SQ - subcutaneous)