Message Number: YG4710 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jeremy T. Slater
Date: 2001-06-20 12:05:00 UTC
Subject: ECE in 2 3 year old males

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy T. Slater [mailto:jeremy.slater@n...]
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 11:48 AM
To: williams@e...

Hello Dr. Williams!

A local humane society took in 2 3 year old male ferrets recently. I stopped
in and picked them up because they had no idea how to care for them. About
48 hours after arrival they both presented with the symptoms of ECE. I was
seeing the "Green Slimes" and their general failure to thrive. Over the
course of the past three weeks, I have followed the advice on your website
and began hydrating and feeding them manually. I have been using Gerber's
2nd Stage Chicken food along with 10 mL of Pedialyte 4-5x per day. They
seemed to be getting better and seemed interested in eating and drinking on
their own. We reintroduced their MF food and they seemed to be doing "ok".
We seem to be stuck in a rut now, as they don't often eat the MF food and we
have not seen a consistent (solid) BM in over a week and a half now. We are
continuing the Baby Food and Fluids about 2-3 times per day now.

Is this normal in ECE cases, the "stale" runs of what seems to be no
improvement? How long does ECE take to run its course? How long should I
continue to hydrate and feed then? Am I hydrating them and feeding them

We haven't taken them to a vet since their initial inspection but if you
feel that is our next step then they are on their way! :)

Thanks for your time and if I can provide any further information, please
let me know!


Jeremy T. Slater
Senior Operations Manager
Nextwind Communications, Inc -
(727) 723-7610 - Office
(877) 620-3565 - Pager
(727) 841-7110 - Fax