Message Number: YG3769 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Tracey Greene
Date: 2001-05-20 10:58:00 UTC
Subject: Calcium oxalate crystals??

Hey all!

Another quick question regarding my ferret Mitzi, who is probably early
adrenal, posted about her earlier this week. Sent off her urine for
evaluation and it came back with a pH of 5 and they found some calcium
oxalate crystals. Her vulva is still slightly swollen, no real changes in
that area. Is this something relevant to early adrenal disease too? Just
curious. She does eat a mixture of foods, TFS brand ferret food, Path
Valley Farms Ferret food, Science diet kitten, Nutromax kitten. Didn't
really think that had to do with the crystals, but throwing it out there too.

No other signs yet, we are repeating her Tennessee panel bloodwork in a few
weeks to see if the levels are changing, only her andro level was elevated
at this point. Dr. XXXX said probable early adrenal, but
that the andro level is the one to be elevated if it were an ovarian
remnant also, but chances are it's adrenal. We'll be ultrasounding her too
in a few weeks when we knock her out to get her blood, since we have the
ultrasound machine at work anyway. Don't know if we'll find anything, but
it can't hurt to take a look anyway.

Thanks for your input from before, and any light you can shed on the above
is appreciated!

Tracey and Mitzi