Message Number: YG3649 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2001-05-16 20:57:00 UTC
Subject: Re: My Little One

>I know how you all feel about your Little Ones. This site has been a big
>help in trying to figure out what my Little Bandit has. I took her to the
>Vet and he suggested Exploratory Surgery. Which she had today May 16. It
>was her Adrenal Gland. Only problem was when they went in there today. She
>only had 1 of the Adrenal's. Which was the one on the right. He said he
>could not take it and would not risk taking it with the Fear of nicking the
>Vein. He said the size of the Adrenal was 1/2" X 1". So he put her back
>together and I now have her home. He said it could be 6 months or even 2
>years that she would be with us yet. Is their a easy way to give them
>antibiotics from the dropper.. Laugh She has to take this for 2 weeks til
>the stitches come out. I do enjoy reading the articles that have been
>posted here. Thanks for your Time.

Dealing with a right adrenal tumor can be tricky but there are some
techniques (like cryosurgery, or sometimes the potentially tricky
ligation of the Vena Cava) that are available which can be used at
times, depending on several factors. If I recall right you'll find
info on both on the files here, at , and There is also fine info at .

Since your vet was not comfy with doing this surgery you will want to
discuss Lupron, and perhaps gently see how your vet might feel about
a cooperation with another surgeon who is more used to doing right
adrenal growths, if that is an option in your area, given that some
places don't have ferret-experts.

Get her used to receiving a reward after her meds; sometimes that helps.