Message Number: YG2534 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-04-13 18:32:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] HELP

Hi James,
Like the others have pointed out, it sounds like
GI ulcers. Unless insulinoma was actually diagnosed,
I would stop the pred because it can make ulcers worse.
Time to start carafate roughly 10 to 30 minutes before feeding,
antibiotics for ulcers, and feeding a bland diet (Gerber's chicken
or turkey
baby food and/or Hill's A/D). Sq fluids will help also.
As for vets in your area, there is the AMC in New York City,
the vet school at Cornell, and Dr Mike Dutton in Weare, NH.
Hope that helps,
Jerry Murray, DVM