Message Number: YG2440 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Mike Janke
Date: 2001-04-10 20:09:00 UTC
Subject: Re: duck soup

"duck soup" has become a term to mean any kind of special, supportive
type diet for a ferret. There WAS an original duck soup and it was
so named when it was developed to help a sick ferret named Lucky
Duck, or so the story goes.

There are probably dozens of duck soup recipes out there.
Personally, I find that good ol' Gerber's 2nd stage chicken baby food
works great for the short term. For longer term, I use 1 jar of
Gerbers with 1 can of A/D (prescription diet available at your vet).


--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Karan" <ksmith94@b...> wrote:
> Would someone please give me a recipe for the duck soup. I
don't want to sound stupid. . .but is it real duck soup? or just a
slang name for some of type special ferret soup? ( Please help this
floundering lost soul.) thanks
> Karan