Message Number: YG1959 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-04-01 00:34:00 UTC
Subject: ??Adrenal?? or ??not Adrenal?? That is the Question.

Would any vets or non-flameing ferret wise people, please advise as per the

mcd@p... wrote:

> Hi to all the ferret loved and to those who love ferrets.
> Dr William's, could you please advise.
> I received this email today and wonder if I am right in suspecting adrenal. If
> it was the tail I would think feline acne. But on the back? And he apparently
> lost it overnight.
> Thank you for your time and consideration,
> > I have a question for you! over night about a week ago Rangi
> > lost a small patch of hair about the size of a 10 cent piece on his back
> > and the skin (Normally pink) has tiny brown specks on it. The skin is
> > still smooth and it doesn't seem to hurt him or at least he doesn't seem
> > to be bothered if I touch it! Anyway it's hung around now for about a
> > week or so and doesn't seem to be going away, it's not getting any worse
> > but it's not getting better!
> >
> > What could it be and will the hair grow back?
> >
> > Any idea's would be good and otherwise he is awesome!
> >
> > Cheers again
> > Hear from you later
> >
> Thanking you,
> Kindest Regards,
> Colleen.
> Ferret PAWS(NZ)Inc
> Ferret Protection and Welfare Society