Message Number: YG1455 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-03-19 14:35:00 UTC
Subject: conclusion: Spenomegaly

I wanted to thank so many here that helped me with my little girl. It
was due to the information on this list, the help of Dr. W, that I was able
to sort out a complex situation. My ferret presented with what appeared as
fatique and an enlarged spleen thursday, at the end of the week. When it was
evident that this was more than splenomegaly and that there was a very
serious underlying condition we were in the weekend. The one emergency
animal hospital in the city that is open.. normally doesn't have a vet on
call that even has an inkling of how to care for a ferret. So it was here
that I had to turn. And it was here that I got some answers.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My little girl passed this morning... I had to help her to the bridge.
She had very advanced juvenile lymphosarcoma. She was not yet one. She had
not one symptom. I fuss over my animals.. examine them, and before last week
she never had a swollen abdomen or large spleen. she never had large nodes.
She never coughed.... she never even did flat ferret, and did not sleep as
much as most ferrets. Yet ... well there you have it. It was shockingly,
devestingly fast.


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