Message Number: YG1429 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2001-03-18 22:51:00 UTC
Subject: Could vets describe techniques they use?

I have heard privately from someone who is on the FHL that her vets
are unfamiliar with the techniques to remove small insulinoma
growths, and as a result do not tackle them at all. Our vets have
spoken of "popping" them out or "shelling" them out. I know that they
can be hard to find when small. Could vets here describe their
techniques so that people can pass them on to vets who don't know how
to best deal with these? (We have had a nice windows given by
surgery in ferrets in the past before they had re-occurrences, and
then if or when re-occurrences happen we've often gone to meds if the
individuals were up-there in age or otherwise compromised. Of
course, our best local vet surgeon ever from personal experience left
our area last year, but the two new ones are holding their own so