Message Number: YG1419 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Debi Christy
Date: 2001-03-18 14:09:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Age differences

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., demilia1@h... wrote:
" ferrets age differently enough from each other that I won't
have to worry so much..."

In my experience, the age difference in relation to anticipated
medical problems is somewhat broader.

We generally see few serious medical conditions in ferrets under age
3 or 4. At that age, we begin to see insulinoma and adrenal gland
problems. Adrenal gland problems often incur other complications,
especially in males. We are quite agressive in surgical treatment as
early as possible for male adrenal cases.

80% of our ferrets over age 5 have or have had some form of endocrine
related illness.

We do see early adrenal cases. Our youngest adrenal case was 18
months, but I believe I've heard of younger ones than that. Younger
insulinomas are not as common.

Lymphomas also seem to be more common in the 4 to 5 yr+ range.

We generally recommend 3 broad age groups to those who adopt.
Youngsters (less than 2 yrs), adults (2 to 4), old-timers (over 4).

Debi Christy
Ferrets First Foster Home